Tuesday, July 31, 2007


thanks Tom this blog will keep us connected as soon as the rest of the group joins (hopefully even angel will join). Well re-adjustment is somewhat difficult but I'm leaving to Chicago on Monday so I won't be home to long. and I had an ethical question but I forgot it but maybe i'll remember later.

Wheatstone Blog

Josh has asked about the Wheatstone blog. Others of you might be wondering the same thing. As soon as I know anything, I'll let you know.


Hey Tom and all my seraphim peeps.... we never did get a name for just our group... what happened there?? anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to Tom for getting this blog up... and to say how much of an honor and a privilege it was to meet and get to know all of you a little bit. I hope we continue to grow closer together through our interaction here and that we can become "friends" if we have not come to that point already!! hehe

In His Steps
Mike Workman

Post Wheatstone

Hi Folks.
The days after any sort of camp can be a little weird. Sometimes you feel out of place in your ordinary life; sometimes you feel a little depressed; sometimes you feel guilty because it seems like you're not applying anything you learned to your life. But, be of good cheer! May the joy of the Lord be your strength, and may this little blog help keep you connected, even if only in a small way, to your experience at Wheatstone.
Feel free to post any of your ideas or questions here. I'll be checking frequently, so you can expect to hear from me at least. But the real purpose is to get all of us "talking" with each other, having an electronic conversation. Enjoy!